What We Do

Pre -Design Investigations

Before we start the design process it is important that we help you to formulate a detailed brief of your needs and to understand the regulations that apply to your site.

This is an important first step as it provides the foundations for the project and we have found that not completing it properly can cause cost overruns later and lead to clients feeling confused by the myriad of options available.

Concept Design

We will prepare hand drawn conceptual floor plan options for your review.  After meeting with you to discuss the options we will incorporate your feedback into a further refinement of your preferred plan.

We start with hand drawn concept plans as they allow the design to stay fluid and keep the conversation open so that you can be integral to the design process. We provide high level design expertise but the fluidity allows us to incorporate your input, meaning that you are imprinted on the design.

Developed Design

In this stage we will develop the overall look of your project.

We will develop your preferred concept design in our 3D CAD system to provide you with a full understanding of the design.

The CAD model will allow you to walk through the design and look at the space and style that we are proposing. It will also allow you to show friends and family the proposed design in order to get their comments.

As you will be getting a better understanding of the project, we anticipate that you may wish to make some small changes which we can incorporate at this stage.


There are a number of approval pathways that may be available to you. These include local Council approval via a Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) or Complying Development (CDC) through a private certifier. In some cases your proposed works may even be exempt development. We use our experience to advise you on the best approval process for your project.

Council Approval – We have extensive experience in dealing with Councils and believe that the best approach is to talk to them early on in the process and submit a well-supported proposal that provides them with all the possible reasons for approval. As it is a merit based assessment there is scope for approval of good design solutions even if the scheme is not fully compliant with their regulations.

After development approval (DA) is granted, a second stage of approval is required before work can start on site. This is called a Construction Certificate (CC). This approval can be sought through Council or a Private Certifier (PCA).

Complying Development – This is a State Government approval process. The design has to comply in every respect with requirements set out in a range of State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs). The main advantage of complying development is a faster approval process but there is no opportunity to negotiate alternative solutions.

Exempt Development – For certain proposals of a minor nature no formal approval is required.

Other Authority Approvals – Where appropriate, we arrange for approval from Hunter Water and the Mines Subsidence Board prior to submitting a DA or CDC.

Construction Documentation

After development approval (DA) is granted, a second stage of approval is required before work can start on site. This is called a Construction Certificate (CC). This approval can be sought through Council or a Private Certifier (PCA).

We will prepare Construction Certificate documentation that includes working drawings, specifications and schedules.

This documentation is also used to tender and build the project.

Our approach to documentation is to provide a complete and thorough description of the works and products required to complete the building. This allows accurate tendering, saves time during construction and minimizes cost variations.

Contractor Selection

We will assist you by tendering the project with up to 3 or 4 builders so that you will have a lump sum tender price to complete the construction of the project.

Construction Stage Services

We will assist you to form a contract with the preferred builder. We will then administer the contract during the construction of the project.

Our input during construction stage is valuable as we know the design and documentation. This means that we can answer questions from the builder as they arise. We also understand the ramifications of any proposed changes to the design or materials that you or the builder may wish to make. We administer the contract between you and the builder in an impartial manner and monitor construction by attending regular site meetings and checking progress claims.